An Exceptional Stone from WhiteFlash

This gorgeous 0.326ct E VVS2 A CUT ABOVE® Hearts and Arrows Diamond has some exceptional performance. Surely you can still pick on some thing if you want to be very particular, but I find that when 

0.326ct E VVS2 A CUT ABOVE

I came across this nice article by ProsumerDiamonds - and I find that his explanation is pretty helpful when it comes to evaluate diamonds.

In the article, he is concerned about the performance of the diamond table. He is picking on the brightness level of the diamond table. This is certainly a good and simple way to see if a diamond is worth consideration. The 0.326ct above is picked using this criteria.

Another core determining factor is the video performance of the diamond. Based on my own experience, it will correlate with real life performance, hence, it will be useful to see if a diamond sparkles beautifully in the video. Of course, surely can still pick on a thing or two with the Hearts, but that is for nitpicking when we are talking about diamonds that are already at exceptional cut quality. Your chances to hit this sort of cut quality in virtual inventory is very low.

Lastly, I will check on the measurements of the diamond and see if it comes close to the calculated ideal weight using the formula length x width x depth x 0.0061 = 0.3275ct, therefore we can safely say the diamond is cut for performance.

With worldwide free delivery, zero tax for loose diamond when import to Malaysia, and 100% money-back guarantee for 30 days, I think this is certainly a good buy at the price of RM 3,693.46 using TransferWise at the time of writing.

February 02, 2021


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