Brian Gavin Diamonds Diamond Tackle Promotion 2024


BGD Diamond Tackle Promotion

Brian Gavin Diamonds is once again running a promotion for their lab-grown or natural diamonds. With this, it is a good opportunity to look for very well-cut diamonds at affordable price, especially natural ones. As for lab-grown diamonds, while the prices are attractive compared to some retail shops in the mall, however, there are always cheaper options available if you are willing to do more hard work by searching on Ritani or other similar vendors' website. Of course, unless you want as easy as possible and don't mind paying the premium for a very well-cut diamond with full set of diamond images shown to you, then Brian Gavin Diamonds is certainly a good choice. Besides, since their diamonds are in-house, the shipping time will be relatively short compared to other cheaper alternatives.

Anyway, that's it for lab-grown, I find that their natural diamonds are actually more worth it compared to what you can get here locally in Malaysia, if you want the better cut diamonds. For example, this 0.62ct E VS2 diamond which falls under Black by Brian Gavin Diamonds category.

0.62ct E VS2

Now, this diamond is surprisingly cheap compared to its counterparts from the same company. I am guessing it has something to do with their overall cut quality:

BGD Uneven Hearts

You will noticed that the Hearts at the bottom is somewhat uneven.

BGD Uneven Arrows

You will also notice that the arrows are also somewhat misaligned a little.

Somehow, my gut feeling tells me that this might be the reason why it is cheaper. If you ask me, by right, it shouldn't even to be graded as Black by Brian Gavin to start with. Nonetheless, since it is graded at this category, the performance will be superb. In fact, the proportions is really lovely and will perform well. If one can look away from this little imperfection, then this can be a good option to choose from.

Since this is above USD 1000, with the correct promo code, you can get USD 100 off, making its selling price to be USD 1835.45. Of course, Brian Gavin Diamonds does not provide free delivery, therefore, do factor in the final price of approximately USD 150 to the final bill, hence making this diamond at approximately USD 1985.45. I highly recommend using WISE for wire transfer due to their competitive rates.

Highly recommend to use WISE for wire transfer

That's all, good luck!

January 13, 2024


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