Afraid of Getting the Wrong Ring? Consider a Placeholder Ring Instead!

For those who does not know what ring to get for engagement, a good solution will be to propose using a placeholder ring. A placeholder ring, as the name suggests, is a temporary ring in lieu of the actual engagement ring. This can definitely reduce the possibility of you getting the wrong design for the engagement ring. As for the diamond, you can choose it together, or you can purchase one first before the proposal. I think it will be more fun to have a loose diamond readily available because it increases the wow factor and it may make you look more sincere for the whole proposal.

Now, where should you get a placeholder ring? Is it expensive? The answer depends on where you get it. If I were to get a placeholder ring, I may consider JEOLE. It is a company owned by DeGem and they are specialized in fashion jewellery.

For example, this ring, retailing at RM 99, seems like a good choice:
JEOLE's Kaleido Daisy Diamond Ring

Of course, if you think this is too simple or something, you can always opt for other options. As far as modern fashion jewellery is concerned, you have a lot of options. And yes, even Pandora do have some options for you, like this one, which is selling at RM 414:
Pandora's Vintage Allure Ring
Once proposed, you two love birds can go craft your very own engagement ring together!

Yup, there you have it, options to propose without playing the guessing game! Good luck!

December 29, 2018


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