One Absolutely Stunning 1 Carat WhiteFlash ACA!

This diamond is absolutely gorgeous!!! Just look at that video! That's crazy.
Absolutely stunning performance!
What else?
Small table - checked.
Lesser table area means higher crown area. Crown area is where the light returned is broken down into beautiful rainbow colours. FYI, my definition of small table is 56% or below. But of course, this is just personal preference. Table that are wider than 56% can also perform well, but I find that 56% or below can be a safer number.

Great crown angle - checked.
The crown angle for this stone is 34.5 degree. This is the closest we can get to the original ideal cut by Marcel Tolkowsky.

Great pavilion angle - checked.
The crown angle for this stone correlates closely with the original ideal cut again. It is 40.8 degree now.

Great lower girdle length - checked.
With a 76% lower girdle, expect a mesmerizing light show coming from this gorgeous stone.

Great Hearts - checked.
Hearts represent the optical precision of the diamond. This diamond shows very high precision be it on the actual Hearts photograph or on the Hearts captured on the AGSL grading report. I have to say diamonds that exhibit such high precision is rare in WhiteFlash, but it is certainly good to know they have one beauty like this! Not to say that their usual productions are no good, they themselves are considered rather top-notch in the industry already, but sometimes I still see some borderline ACA that can easily fall into Expert Selection. Therefore, I am certainly looking forward to see them producing more and more diamonds of such precision.
High precision Hearts!
AGSL Grading Report also captured a set of high precision Hearts!

Great ASET - checked.
With ASET like this, I can't think what to complain.
Great ASET
Great IdealScope - checked.
With such light return, this diamond will be a shining brightly.
Great IdealScope
The only complain I have:
The size of this diamond is 6.61mm x 6.63mm x 4.09mm. Using the formula to calculate the estimated weight: 6.61 x 6.63 x 4.09 x 0.0061 = 1.093ct. This diamond is 1.104ct. There is a difference of 0.011ct. Did the cutter cheated? With such optical precision and performance, I don't think the cutter cheated. And since this is a bigger carat stone, a difference of 0.011ct seems acceptable to me, as I have noticed there can be 0.01ct difference even from a 80-pointer diamond onwards. So, it is good to me. Nonetheless, this point is  worth mentioning to let you know.

Overall, this diamond is just mesmerizing and it is certainly a good fit if you are looking for a diamond that weighs 1 carat!
December 29, 2018


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