Another Excellent 30-Pointer Diamond by Whiteflash That Looks Like a 40-Pointer!

Check this out:

This is a rare occasion whereby you can get a 0.391ct that looks close to a 40-pointer. For other non-super ideals, my guess is that the cutter will try to retain the weight at 0.4ct, as it may worth more based on market price. However, in this case, the cutter for this WhiteFlash ACA is trying to make the best cut possible, hence it is willing to sacrifice some weight.

To be fair, this diamond is very very slighltly smaller than the other 40-pointers offered by WhiteFlash, but I doubt that it is noticeable by naked eye.

The arrows of this diamond is simply excellent. Each arrow looks approximately the same and the "backside" of the arrows looks balanced between left and right, except for the arrows at 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock position. However, the difference is so minor that we should not be too concerned about it. In fact, the precision of the cut of the arrows for this diamond is already better than most ACAs, and probably other diamond brands as well.

Whiteflash ACA 0.391ct E VS1

34.7 degrees crown angle is excellent as it will return alot of fire, while 40.7 pavilion angle returns a decent amount of light return. The amount of decent light return is proven by the IdealScope that is clearly displayed on the website.

Whiteflash ACA 0.391ct E VS1

And lastly, the hearts and arrows is simply top notch. No complains. Each heart looks similar to each other and each arrow looks similar to each other as well, except for the arrow near the 7 o'clock position, which looks slightly smaller, but overall this looks so good that I will not be picky about this. Gap between each heart and its relevant arrow is highly identical.

Whiteflash ACA 0.391ct E VS1

Price wise, at USD 1147, it is close to 2 other E VVS2 ACA 40-pointers, which I have written separately on another blog post. However, the Hearts & Arrows, IdealScope, and actual diamond look for this one is so good that this will be my top pick. After conversion using the rate of 4.351, which is M2U forex rate for telegraphic transfer as of 2017/06/28 09:00am, the price is RM 4990.60. Add 6% GST will be RM 5290.04.

Then we add on setting from Memory Jewellery/Eumayco Jewellery/Frou Frou, which should cost between RM 750 to RM 2200. Using the minimum cost, your complete ring will be RM 6040.04, while using the maximum cost, your ring will be RM 7490.04. This is probably not too value for money because at 7k plus you can probably get yourself a comparable 40-pointer super ideal diamond, but as mentioned above, the diamond image, the IdealScope image, and the Hearts & Arrows image are really top notch and better than alot of super ideals. Of course, if you still want a 40-pointer that is more value for money, read this blog post for the other diamond that I recommend.

All right, that's all for now. If there is anything, do leave a comment here or drop me an email at blogger dot yang85 at gmail dot com.


June 28, 2017


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