An Extremely Amazing 1.348ct D IF WhiteFlash ACA Collection Series Stone!

This extremely amazing stone from WhiteFlash is gorgeous!

1.348ct D IF WhiteFlash ACA Collection Series Actual Diamond Image
1.348ct D IF WhiteFlash ACA Collection Series Actual Diamond IdealScope
1.348ct D IF WhiteFlash ACA Collection Series Actual Diamond ASET
1.348ct D IF WhiteFlash ACA Collection Series Actual Hearts
Being at the very top of the scale of almost everything, it is for those who aim towards perfection. You won't reach perfection because the stone is no FL yet, but you will be damn close to it. And...what I don't like about the stone? Probably the slight variances in the arrows length, which I totally don't really care too much because the arrows look fat enough to return some seriously bold sparks! Also, the Hearts look amazing! The calculated ideal weight is 1.350ct, so we can assume that this diamond is cut to maximize its beauty rather than weight retention. Also, the pairing of the crown angle and the pavilion angle is nicely done! It is close to the classic Tolkowsky ideal cut and the concept of the ideal inverse relationship between the crown angle and the pavilion angle is nicely executed here. To add on, the table is on the smaller side of things as well while the lower girdle percentage is also at 76%. All I can anticipate is that this stone will return some seriously excellent fire and some flowing bold sparks!

In my own experience studying online and understanding more about diamonds, I came to the conclusion that smaller table indeed perform better, but don't let that idea overcome you. In fact, you can safely choose any diamonds that fall within the proportions of the ACA specs. But for me, as a rule of thumb, as the diamond depth goes deeper, the diamond table should go smaller, or as the diamond depth goes shallower, the diamond table can become wider. However, in this case, the diamond depth is going deeper, yet the table is still small? Is this alright? Perfectly fine. In fact, I think this is very hard to come by and it is even better! This is because in the original Tolkowsky ideal cut, the table is 53% and the table is only 59.3%. But let me iterate again, let's not get too overly concerned on this because the diamonds provided by WhiteFlash are fully vetted by a few person before being categorized as an ACA. In real life, you can of course always find a better diamond, but I am almost certain that once you get your hands on this stone, it will be so special to you, just like your partner or other precious things in life, that you will keep wanting to look at it and cherish it for the rest of your life. It is a damn good stone.
December 02, 2018


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