The In-Between Carat Weight - A Great Way to Balance Out Performance and Budget

I always like diamonds that are in between 2 magical marks. For example, a diamond between 0.3ct and 0.4ct. Even better if the diamond is around 0.35ct and above. This is because we can get such diamonds at affordable price, while getting closer to the next magical mark. The visual difference is somewhat more subtle.

For example, we can get a GIA 3EX 0.4ct E VVS2 at around RM 4500. Then, assuming the ring setting costs us an additional RM 1600, so the total price will be approximately RM 6100. Now this is just an approximate price. Different vendors can have around 3 digit differences. Nonetheless, if you are interested to buy at least a 0.4ct diamond, I have one remaining GIA 3EX 0.43ct E VVS2 diamond for sale. Details can be found via this link:

Ok, so let's move on.

So today I am going to introduce you a very decent 0.356ct E VVS2 diamond. The selling price? USD 992, which converts to RM 4054.53 using TransferWise. Do note that the exchange rate will change from time-to-time so by the time you read this, it can be higher, same, or lower. Ok, now we take back the RM 1600 ring setting and do the summation - The total will be RM 5654.53. This is a decent price for someone that cares about how good the cut quality of the stone that he or she is going to buy is, and at the same time, does not want to sacrifice too much on the carat weight. This kind of stone is a great way to balance out performance and budget, in my opinion.

My company does provide ring setting service for stones from my affiliate companies, such as WhiteFlash, Brian Gavin Diamonds, and High Performance Diamonds. If you are staying in KL/Selangor area, then we can meet up and we can proceed to discuss your ring setting.

December 06, 2020


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